
What a journey! You too?
I could tell you the exciting adventures of my life, including the time I studied computer programming with Buddhist mystic monks, or the times at a hole-in-the-wall Hogwarts-like spiritual and intuition development school, or the time I received a job offer as a magic princess. Fun stories for another time.
Those experiences worked as a crutch at times - a beautiful crutch - finding the inspiring and miraculous in life that defied what I felt was an utterly depressing, scary, and cruel world that I saw in front of me, and that would give me hope as I navigated my challenging day-to-day reality.
I used to seek the wildly uplifting, the supernatural and reality defying, the deeply profound... constantly pursuing the magical to keep panic attacks and suicidal depression at bay.
I was surviving, but far from thriving. And struggled to connect to the magic and joy of simply being alive.
Staying connected with uplifting aspects of this world is so important.
When you can do it from a space where you have a baseline of calm and joy - rather than a desperate attempt to escape or grab onto something - the magic of this world can be felt that much more!
My childhood was far from the toughest out there, I'm sure.
And there were plenty of blessings - not just the ones in disguise, but also the obvious ones.
But with the sensitive design and the personality I came into this world with, combined with surrounding circumstances, it was difficult enough that by the time I was in my teens I struggled with eating disorders and suicidal depression. It was also the start of a long list of physical health challenges that only got worse over the years, despite having a master's degree in Integrative Health.
24-7 year round eczema, brain fog, a face that hurt, wrists so inflamed I couldn't do downward dog (starting in my teens), horrendous digestion with a stomach stuck above the diaphragm which made eating quite the unpleasant ordeal, neck and shoulders so tight and often kept me awake, incredibly cold hands and feet that could keep me awake for hours at night despite bundling up.
Eventually... I'd had chronic fatigue for 20 yrs. Add in some powerful self-sabotage behaviors, executive functioning challenges, sensitivities and intolerances... and I was unable to work much.
I looked "fine" to many...
Little did they know, I was no longer able to brush my teeth "manually" from being so stiff and fatigued.
Or that my blood pressure was so low, I once witnessed an acupuncturist's panicked expression when assessing my pulse after following his guidance.
I was no longer depressed and was surprisingly optimistic, but struggled tremendously to function, and I often felt that being alive was highly overrated.
I had done a lot of inner work in my earlier years, and had overcome suicidal depression during my teens, and a was mostly free of a depressingly long journey with eating disorders. And I now I needed something to carry me to the next stage after being rather stuck in deeply rooted patterns. That's when I came across the emotional release work (RRT™) used in MessyBeautiful sessions.
It's one of those things that have you wonder how life might have been different had you come across it much earlier in life.
And shortly after, I came across Block Therapy™, which too is one of those that has you wishing you had started in childhood.
There was a deepening in my sound healing practice around this time, which also supported me greatly. What some would call light language, these sounds started flowing out of me in ways that were subtle yet profound.
I still forget to sing somedays, or get sucked into prioritizing other "more important" things if my activities that day don't include singing. But singing is a powerful medicine in its own right, and there's no doubt in me that some of my challenges with my health had singing continued to be a nourishing part of my daily life, so many years ago and it had stopped being so. Here's more on that story...
And I started a program for brain training to help with executive functioning, which seemed to become more effective as I supported the nervous system with the other work.
The modalities I offer are some of what have helped me turn around in powerful ways.
We are all on a journey, starting at different points, and walk unique paths.
And we are ever-evolving.
When we can connect to our own unique guidance, embody a deep knowing and ability to trust that there is beauty and purpose in all of what we experience, life becomes a whole new experience.
Services offered here can help you do that in various ways.
Above all, my greatest hope is that you find whatever works for you in helping you reconnect to the depths of the beautiful being that you are, and the power within.
The more you know that you are deeply loved, deeply capable, and fully supported by life in your unique path, the more you will be able to let life in - with all its love and wisdom - to touch you, to guide you, and to help you live your best life.

Official Bio
Misa Christina is a vocal sound healer, intuitive lullaby singer, and healthcare provider currently residing in Tokyo.
She offers workshops on lullaby singing and therapeutic singing, and sings bedside to children in hospice care and hospitals.
She facilitates deep fascia release and inner child healing sessions for people who want to take health and healing to the next level.
Her background and training include:
Master's degree - Integrative Health - from CIIS
Focus on Sound Voice Healing
Focus on Spiritual and Intuition Development
Bachelor of Music - Voice Performance - from Westminster Choir College
Certification - Integrative Wellness Coaching & Wellness Management - from CIIS
Certification - Intro to Path Of Freedom - mindfulness based emotional intelligence - from Prison Mindfulness Institute
Certification - RRT Level 1 Facilitator - emotional release work - from Hey U Human
Certification - Sisters In Harmony Song Leader Training - from Heather Houston Music
Certification - Block Therapy Instructor - fascia release work - from Fluid Isometrics

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